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发表于 2013-4-7 18:24:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
于海 求助编辑百科名片' m" L0 t2 k) r1 Z. K, p* a% U/ Z
( A; v% k& d+ q+ b5 `- j  O8 {8 u4 m+ N& M, x1 m$ R
目录; ?# T$ Q( g& O! c1 h' ~: g

2 C2 J% [, t4 e# z" B# q) U6 [人物档案3 o; _) S, Z# p
4 w: y% v2 v: G" t" M3 l  f传奇经历5 a" j, a! Q$ {- c, h& I8 `6 o
螳螂拳大师参演电视剧$ y3 V; a! X; d+ N$ m$ L' u
6 M6 S+ c' a& f. |! V5 R展开人物档案
, T/ W+ ?: z3 `2 O+ f1 b( X0 |& w5 t个人简介
% Y( F' s% R; B% O% Z5 Z7 c7 q传奇经历
6 X$ d9 ?$ e, n" Z1 T螳螂拳大师 参演电视剧 $ |+ @* u) x. L: }3 D1 A
参演电影2 H  h9 u% O( B# K9 n% W' e% e
展开编辑本段人物档案  ! g" Y' _* ?' n. u2 I
姓名:于海* p' k: v/ ~+ j) h4 x
性别:男; M1 W# l( I( e
" N7 W  K2 g" |9 `生于:1942年7月18日
3 h% T. ?5 d; p4 F2 N; d身高:178cm) L9 I+ o. N: E8 _# M, w
4 x# M. g5 O5 [/ O! I/ h" X职业:武术家、国家一级演员
, o/ m# r) P4 o; }+ T/ O$ `9 t. {籍贯:山东烟台人4 `8 x7 Z4 M/ `, I6 n3 w
编辑本段个人简介山东自古出英雄好汉,于海1942年出生于山东烟台,1954年拜七星螳螂拳大师林景山先生为师,学习正宗的螳螂拳。1958年在参加全国、省、市三级武术比赛时连闯三关,以优异的德技成绩被山东省体育运动技术学院招收,成为国家正式的武术运动员,从此开始了他光辉的武术生涯。  《少林寺》剧照& X1 W- E8 |; u2 t
1958年--1966年代表山东省武术队参加在华东和全国举行的所有重大比赛。曾多次荣获剑术,棍术,螳螂拳及全能冠军。是当时中国著名的武术运动员。 # M0 o# `5 l) n( ?+ t6 y
( W" Q% z; H/ V. E) R1987年后为山东省体育运动技术学院高级教练顾问。 - b1 ~  `% c. p' l# X
7 w" i( v8 r3 l8 K4 @2 s/ A自1980年同现国际武打巨星李连杰先生共同拍摄了轰动全球的武打影片《少林寺》开始,陆续参加拍摄了《少林小子》、《南北少林》、《通天长老》、《长城大决战》、《新少林寺》、《太极宗师》、《黄河大侠》等近二十部电影和电视剧,并担任重要演员和武打设计。通过影视作品的表现形式,使中华武术真正被世界文化所认同,成为全人类的宝贵财富,为弘扬国粹做出了贡献。1998年在北京的中国武协四十年大庆上被授予"中国武术明星"荣誉称号。  于海作品《通天长老》9 u5 ]% R0 _- ^- U% }; E6 o% s
于海大师为武术事业拼搏近五十年来,一直都活跃在武术教育第一线,从事着武术教学,研究及挖掘整理流失已久的武术遗产等各项具体工作。苦心研磨各武术门派的精髓,博采贯融并不断推陈出新,达到了登峰造极的境界。特别是对中国的传统拳,如:螳螂拳,八卦掌,通背拳,形意拳等项目的研究和演练已达到无人能及的水平,被誉为"武学字典"。他对螳螂拳的研究和发扬,更为中华武术事业做出了巨大的贡献,奠定了他在国内外武术界宗师级的权威地位。他以精湛的武艺和高尚的武德受到了国内外众多武术爱好者的仰慕。 为向世界各国热爱武术的有缘人传授正宗的中华武术,2001年12月率其子----全国武术冠军,国家武英级运动健将,国家一级武术裁判于涛先生,在中国山东威海成立了第一所以武术教育为主的"于氏武术文化交流中心",它也是中国唯一的"于海螳螂拳培训基地"。
: p* Z2 R$ w, v$ J1999年出演经典电影《功夫小子闯情关》,又名《辫子神功》,饰演杨崇武!
8 W/ J+ z1 J2 c6 _8 ?/ ~编辑本段传奇经历  指导弟子6 q8 z  I' E' W7 t% Z
于海的名字自《少林寺》以来便颇为响亮。他还有一个鲜为人知的曾用名:于天堂,是他信奉基督教的父母给他起的,文革时,这个四旧的名字成了反面教材。那时特讲究“干群鱼水关系”,他便“破旧立新”成了于海,即“鱼离不开水之意”。 . o* V2 A/ R, |8 K1 q4 d6 v5 o
于海的头发很稀,他从前的一头密发自他不得不改名后的那个年代便开始脱落,于海曾是山东体育运动技术学院的武术队队长兼教练,还曾担任过武术队领队兼教练。1966年,大小头都受到冲击,兢兢业业的于海成了执行资反路线的典型。他无论如何也转不过这个弯择,决定沿着当年红军长征的路线徒步走到韶山,看看到底发生了什么事。一路上他看到是造反组织的混战,这才知道全国都是一样的。他更加百思难解,从此开始掉头发。 : S/ k$ M8 K" ~* u5 Y
% v, e8 ~/ M5 _3 q# ?  h9 d1 ~4 G于海拍电影曾经很玩命。当初拍《少林寺》时,时间非常紧张,片中的马戏很多,他只用了两个上午的时间练习骑术,便投入拍摄。影片中有一组于海在一条小路上骑马疾驶的镜头,他的马时速达到40公里,拐弯时,没想到一棵杨树挡在了前面,想收缰已是来不及了。他的身子平飞了出去。于海本能地用两条胳膊护住头部,脑袋是保住了,而用以当作护具的手臂却没能幸免:手腕、肘部脱臼,左手撞断。事隔十余年了,于海提起此次险情还是一副后怕的样子。当时他只觉得肛门象过电一样疼痛,到底是习武之人,他在悲呼此命休矣的同时提肛助气以减轻痛苦。他庆幸自己反应还算敏捷,否则他撞坏的不是两条手臂,而是脑袋被冲撞到脖腔里的惨状。时间并不允许他养伤,而是逼着他带伤继续参加拍摄。1984年,影片《少林小子》在杭州黄龙洞拍外景,50度的温度计楞是被冲破了,躲在荫凉地里围观的观众每天都有好几个中暑晕倒的。如此酷热的天气,不动都躁的慌,还要拍打戏,苦不堪言的于海在与“群匪”打斗时,右腿骨断筋折,不得不到北医三院手术,之后打着石膏回到外景色地,不到两个星期,于海拖着伤腿继续拍戏。
$ H  s7 x- j/ ?  a# j如今,年过60的于海似乎现实了许多。他对激烈的打斗颇为憷头,而是偏爱文戏。与他合作过的许多导演认为武人出身的于海演起文戏来亦是十分不俗,然而他从武多年的特压得住阵的气质却是常人难以具备的。所以,找到于海的导演总是不忍荒废他的这种特质,他的角色也免不了打打杀杀。于海的性格曾经极其耿直,眼里揉不得半点沙子。他在90年代初看了一场全国武术锦标赛,他看到具有冠亚军水平的运动员居然没有进入前10名,便再没光顾赛场。《少林寺》上映大获成功后,由于于海在螳螂拳一门颇有造诣,香港报刊曾以《一代宗师》为题对他进行了专门报道,于海对此很不以为然,他认为自己“实在当不起”。不过,于海对螳螂拳确是情有独钟。他闲暇的大部分时间都用来整理研究螳螂拳的有关资料,他总想完成一部汇总各派螳螂拳的著作。也许是扮多了佛门师父,于海变得超脱了许多,凡事随缘而行,随遇而安。他说他认识的武术教练每年都要走一两个。几年前,他的得意门生邱方俭(电视剧《武松》的武打设计,当运动员时擅使九节鞭)死于车祸更是令其大受震动,他当时便挥笔写如下诗句:华年早逝得解脱,亲人难忍哀念情。称望众生勤思醒,诸般色相莫强行——这寄托哀思的诗句,亦体现了曾经沧海的于海的大彻大悟。  ]! p2 y! M; d0 g' \
编辑本段螳螂拳大师说到于海的看家本领非“螳螂拳”莫属。1954年,年仅12岁的于海拜七星螳螂拳大师林景山先生为师,学习正宗的螳螂拳。看见银幕上的于海飞檐走壁,十八般武器样样精通,好生羡慕。孰不知.作为一个武术运动员的他经历了多少痛苦和伤痛,承受了何等的孤单和寂寞。由于练习而造成的伤痛至今仍折磨着于海,每逢天气突变、阴雨连连,于海身上的关节几乎没有一处不疼的。 为了能更准确地领会“螳螂拳”的精髓,于海曾经和上百只螳螂共处一室,研究这种昆虫的一举一动,从中体会“螳螂拳”的要领。 20世纪80年代,于海作为山东省武术队的队长和总教练,经常带着学生训练。当时的环境远没有现在好,学生们训练体能大多都在户外,爬山,跑步。带领学生们到附近的山上去跑步,于海发现山上有很多螳螂,便在休息的时候抓几只。学生们看见教练在抓螳螂,十分好奇,于海和他们讲了自己的用途之后,学生也利用训练休息帮着他抓。人多力量大,这样于海几乎每天都能带十几只到几十只螳螂回宿舍。 再看看于海的宿舍,满屋子爬的都是螳螂,桌子上、蚊帐上、灯罩上,最多的时候能有上百只。地板上,时常还会出现螳螂的尸体,毕竟房间是人住的,不适合这些小家伙。那时,于海平时最大的乐趣就是逗螳螂。听说过养蝈蝈、斗蛐蛐的,还没见过逗螳螂的。于海一个人在宿舍,就拿一根草和螳螂打架,你一下,我一下。别以为他是在找乐子,其实在和螳螂的你来我往之中,螳螂的每一个姿势,怎么进攻,怎么防守,头往哪边转,身体往哪边动,都印在了于海的脑子里。根据螳螂的反应和动作,于海潜心研究,反复练习、总结,终于在原有的“螳螂拳”上作了改良和创新。在他的努力下,“螳螂拳”得到了发展和发扬。他也被称为一代“螳螂拳”大师。
6 Z; b  `9 w+ ^, }. P( }参演电视剧5 q$ ]! R4 D# L+ F, a3 Q1 v
首播时间 剧名 扮演角色 导演 合作演员 & r0 B* b/ r/ f! Q. m" B2 v
2012 叶问 董展鹏 ---- ----
5 b  c: W) x4 h4 s& L9 o2006 虎踞龙盘 拐五爷 ---- ---- 0 V6 R# A' H) }. I" ^
2006 莲花太子 戚大成 ---- ---- 5 V7 W- h6 f7 H& s) V
2002 少林武王 善通 ---- ----
- ~! S( K; N1 U& d. n" X. q1999 太极宗师 陈正英 ---- ---- ; E  w9 k. x* S( l6 Z

% k- Y2 W$ z: O! |7 V  \参演电影+ [; J" C" d7 z) g  F: R/ p" C7 X/ {
上映时间 剧名 扮演角色 导演 合作演员
+ v$ D' C2 E) I* p+ N  D) u2 ]2011 新少林寺 方丈 ---- ----
1 {3 Z: o  C$ D1 A8 y1996 功夫小子闯情关 杨崇武 ---- ---- / w3 `, s. i% ~) j3 o/ ^" u0 v! e: {
1993 太极张三丰 大师伯 ---- ----
/ z  p# F  v4 D( d4 w+ g. [& E1993 白莲邪神 Governor ---- ----
6 J: p8 n- |9 v1993 武状元铁桥三 ---- ---- ----
$ c4 w  v- w3 b0 F' I& y1992 武林圣斗士 ---- ---- ---- ' `3 h% F- J. ]8 H
1990 通天长老 通天长老 ---- ----
: X9 q; D4 j6 T1988 黄河大侠 ---- ---- ---- $ |! T6 S# D' l! j) p" N( ^
1988 长城大决战 杨馆长 ---- ----
3 _$ Q. s) ~5 C' L7 t1986 南北少林 师傅 ---- ----
1 W$ U, b0 z( D1984 少林小子 天龙 ---- ---- 9 r0 i, i( X2 J# `' D8 r# _
1982 少林寺 师父 张鑫炎 李连杰;计春华;丁岚
6 I9 T6 y* X8 `5 T3 M










 楼主| 发表于 2013-4-7 18:41:28 | 显示全部楼层
七星螳螂拳的历史(1)翻译:大连翻译职业学院英语学院09英日双语2班 李梦 网网网络  阅读[891]次  评论[1]条  发布时间:2011-10-27  发布人:李梦 文章摘要:讨论关于螳螂拳的简要介绍,王朗作为实际负责创造螳螂拳的历史人物在那个阶段是非常不可能的。中国史学家(在公元1609年至1702年)已经确定了在山东栖霞的孟玺,现在仍坐落在崂山的华严寺,成为一个可能的候选人。即使这样,也没有任何历史的证据显示他是螳螂拳的创始人。  g4 a& J- E4 Y- [) k4 v" H
/ y0 ^5 T5 G! h! K- W9 k: n# Q; `2 @1 c: o0 C3 Y
    在相当一部分的口头和书面关于螳螂拳的传统,王朗被认为是作为开国元勋和山东崂山道教修道士的最初继承者。传统上,修道士负责把先进的体系传输给第一位弟子,被称为升宵道人。升宵道人很可能已经存在,而且事实上传下了螳螂拳,遗憾的是,这也不是历史可以核查的。他是很有可能的,一个民间的花会人士,代表着产生,填补王朗(传说中的创始人)和真正的历史人物,如李志展,李冰消(梅花螳螂传说)之间的缝隙的一代,我们可以准确地把他们作为螳螂拳谱(拳击卷册)的宣传者,由于升宵道人存在各种形式,但是都没有能够被证明的。神秘的升宵,已经成为各种地方在整个时间框架,跨越在传统的螳螂历史已有数百年。到现在,仍然没有正式地记录来证明升宵道人是一个活生生的人。# |! h: z- `( S6 t* O6 V5 F" u
9 j9 _- u+ ^) R  |% K  H- t9 ?
    李志展,又称李三剑和李快手,1821年出生在山东省,平都市的李家村。李志展在中国各地是著名的大篷车(旅游商品),护送者和贴身保镖,旅游和打仗最远会到达福建省和北京等领域。经过漫长的战斗生涯李志展采取了三大弟子(大徒弟们),他的侄子李太保,郝顺昌和最著名的王永春,出生于1854年5月13日,死于1926年(又称王荣生,王芸生)。李志展,最后到山东省福山去旅游,来到了王永春的故乡。王永春是一个自由搏击冠军,从八岁开始,跟从师傅李宜春学习少林长拳,然后在23岁那年开设了自己的武馆(尚武学院)。李志展在挑战赛上轻松击败王永春,随后王永春磕头向他祈求能成为他的弟子。李志展跟王永春住在一起,全天都在训练王永春,花了三年多的时间把他所有的只是全部交给王永春。在以后的岁月里,他就和王永春住在一起在,据说有记录记载,王永春是李志鹏已经教过的最后一名学生;王云鹏(又名王如鹏),出生于1875年,死于1959年。在烟台地区,大多数同时代的七星历史学家都不认为王云鹏是李快手的一个合法的后代,但是到现在,他的武术的后代一般都在青岛(王云鹏在1946年到了青岛),练习一种接近于这种体系的根本的古老的螳螂拳。李志展继续他的护送工作,在河北省,天津结束了他的杰出的职业生涯。7 j* v  I+ ]/ K) c- B2 ^% D0 m# ]6 z

2 s8 P, y3 q, ^( u7 Y( Z    七星螳螂拳现有的课程大部分是由王永春发扬的。拳击设立了像插捶拳,黑虎交叉拳(黑虎拳),从那个时期开始,双插花拳和许多拳谱中不存在的也逐渐产生,还有其他的螳螂派别如梅花或太极梅花螳螂。王永春被视为少林影响在七星螳螂传统变得如此强烈的最可能的来源,尤其是在下一代的弟子中更明显。
, A" c" C: w7 |3 g. e; ~
8 p: y+ i& o4 C* r2 |/ P    王云鹏教了三个大弟子:王云富,王杰和最著名范旭东。范旭东是烟台市的居民(出生在大海),并继续获得第一个螳螂王(螳螂拳的君主)的称号。体重约130公斤的一个巨人,他是在七星传统中最有影响力的人物之一。在他的一生中,他获得了他的功勋,包括在俄罗斯的自由搏击比赛击败了所有的来的人,在中国,回到家乡之后,在许多他参加的挑战中,他都是最后没有被击败的胜利者。在空旷的田地里,他徒手杀死了两头公牛,并支付给农民补偿,这通常是跟他有关系的。范旭东似乎已经巩固了少林武术和螳螂的历史紧密相联,被称为拳击的来源,例如正宗的少林功夫,是七星螳螂的精武会的后代的关键工作(精武运动协会)。
3 m$ q; b5 M- X) ~" Z! N7 ~! Z2 r# Z- B5 B& M" q* `1 i
    范旭东的四大弟子苟贾鲁,杨味辛,林景山,罗光裕。杨味辛是最老的弟子,大部分时间都跟范旭东在一起,而且他还继续经营了范旭东在烟台的拳击学校(代表他自己)。杨味辛出生在蓬莱,是一个凶猛的男子,脾气非常暴躁,并且有一个下手很重的名声。他打残废了很多对手(甚至严重受伤,有一些还是他自己的学生),在1910年,最终被告上法庭,因为伤死了两个来自梅花螳螂派的拳击对手。范旭东被邀请到上海精武体育协会当教练,但他拒绝了,因为他在烟台是一个繁忙的丝绸商人,自己也有许多利益,他选择送他的弟子去那个地方。范旭东的最年轻弟子林景山被调职到协助掌管学校的杨某的职位(虽然他被释放后仅有一年,但因为范旭东的经济实力)。林景山仍然在烟台当主教练,而在1918年,罗光裕,杨味辛代表七星螳螂前往精武会,他们是后来被王传一加入的。(王传一是林景山的学生,也曾跟范旭东学过)。# k' p2 z* X, ?, c
. P+ k& c1 f7 U8 ]- ]2 Y# K' o! a1 b* y
% C' D( {$ Q/ r& }9 v  e2 y# [
7 Y0 c9 l& o; x3 C5 W; ~6 y    罗光裕的成功加上他的江苏学生马诚信赢得擂台(战斗平台)冠军在中国全国拳击比赛上,在1929年。罗光裕在1932年移居到香港,并帮助建立了最强的武术协会精武会的形成,来自南京石湖墟。罗光裕最有名的学生,(他们所有人向全世界传播他特别的七星的分支)就是黄汉勋,赵志敏,黄金鸿和以前的马诚信等等。罗光裕是精武七星螳螂拳之父,这实际上不同于范旭东在烟台讲授的螳螂拳。据他的弟子(包括黄汉勋)的作品,他的作品是一个复合的螳螂拳风格,包含梅花和光板螳螂拳的成分,再加上罗光裕的自主创新和个人口味的元素。即使在今天,人们可以找到几乎精确的代表作罗光裕的捕蝉(抓蝉)的摄影,这些都是他的子孙的姿势。罗光裕表演崩步的照片是在他四十多岁的时候照的,照片显示出他的直立身体和高框的位置,那张照片仍然深受香港人和东南亚人们的喜爱。关于罗光裕的位置是假设的框架的这种讨论,和以蹦步为主要基础的一系列照片,一直持续到现在。有趣的是,同一系列的照片清楚地说明了在低框架举行的各种姿态。
- v/ ?. E/ r4 w0 r2 @; \* [1 Y/ t' V
6 [3 l* o6 r) W
: z0 i4 v2 p% r$ i    在经历令人印象深刻的职业生涯和螳螂人几乎无法比拟的贡献之后,罗光裕回到上海,在56岁时去世。他的血统的子孙还活在山东蓬莱,但可惜没有继续他们的父亲的遗产。
, G( k" I9 N- o) Z  Z, R3 a
9 p  @' C! f/ K3 w* ?8 b$ c3 @    范旭东最重要的学生可能是伟大的林景山。林景山出生于1885年在山东省莱阳市,很小的时候就搬到附近的烟台市,一直住到他86岁时去世了。林景山在烟台的市场和街道上做苦工来勉强维持生活,他做过厨师的助手和街头小贩。作为一名店员林景山渴望学习拳击,并且暗中观察和模仿范旭东和他的学生,直到范旭东发现他练习,并抓到了他。令他惊讶的是林景山的天生的能力和学习的热情,范旭东就收留了他,并用他的双翼保护着他,直到他死去就一直保持着这样。林景山成为最有发展潜力的弟子,并且范旭东正式的把他的学校传递到林景山的手里。一些后代说林景山作为主要讲师在天津只讲授了一小段时间,但是在烟台的许多比较高一级的弟子不同意这一点。在烟台林景山利用他休息的时间来教学,并且在烟台他教出了许多著名的弟子。他还有三个儿子林春生,林春发和林尚伟。
  T3 _8 R+ {" h4 O# A6 ^: h* ~
* _1 ~7 F1 D0 H/ l+ k& J' R# a; f6 {- w  o# [3 x
" b& g2 S; V6 C, z; P
2 h* P+ O+ M8 @9 C    附英文原文:
. B- ]# _1 `9 f3 K% N/ V/ Z
 楼主| 发表于 2013-4-7 18:42:23 | 显示全部楼层
6 ~" A) P. M0 \* v1 M
7 }, u2 w+ R. h, D$ s. j    As discussed in the brief introduction to Mantis Boxing, the verification of Wang Lang as the actual historical figure responsible for the creation of Tanglang Quan is highly unlikely at this stage. Chinese historians have identified Meng Xi of Qixia in Shandong (AD 1609-1702) whose remains sit at Huayan Si on Laoshan, as a likely candidate. Even so, there is no historical evidence whatsoever that he is the creator of Tanglang Quan.
3 U, [; o2 C" z/ j
' B* z7 Y6 R4 l# y, K    In a substantial portion of the oral and written tradition of Mantis Boxing, Wang Lang is accredited as the founding father and the Daoist monks of Laoshan, Shandong as his initial inheritors. Traditionally the monk responsible for transmitting the developed system to the first lay disciple is known as Sheng Xiao Daoren. Sheng Xiao Daoren may quite possibly have existed and indeed passed on Tanglang Quan, unfortunately this is also not historically verifiable. He is more than likely, a folk figure representing the generation that fills the gap between Wang Lang (the legendary founder), and genuine historical figures such as Li Zhizhan and Li Bingxiao (of Meihua Tanglang fame), who we can accurately label as propagators of Tanglang. Quan Pu (Boxing scrolls), attributed to Sheng Xiao Daoren exist in various forms, none of which are yet to be authenticated. The mysterious Sheng Xiao, has been variously placed throughout many time frames spanning hundreds of years in traditional Tanglang history. To this day there are no official records listing Sheng Xiao Daoren as a living person.
! Q; |% c( @7 V0 C
5 t# V2 _4 D  a+ l3 x$ Y/ r    Li Zhizhan, also known as Li Sanjian, and Kuaishou Li , was born in 1821 in Pingdu, Li family village Shandong. Li Zhizhan was a caravan (travelling goods), escort and personal bodyguard who was famed throughout China, travelling and fighting as far a field as Fujian Province and Beijing. After a lengthy combat career Li took only three major disciples (Da tudimen), his nephew Li Taibao, Hao Shunchang, and most famous of all Wang Yongchun, born: 13/5/1854 -died: 1926 (also known as Wang Rongsheng, Wang Yunsheng). Li Zhizhan eventually travelled to Fushan, Shandong, Wang's hometown. Wang Yonchun was a free fighting champion who had studied Shaolin Chang Quan under Li Yichun (from the age of eight) and opened his own Wuguan (martial academy), at the age of twenty-three. Li Zhizhan easily defeated Wang in a challenge match and Wang kowtowed to him begging to become his disciple. Li resided with Wang and trained him full-time, passing on the sum total of his knowledge over three years. In the years following his residence with Wang Yongchun, Li is said to have instructed a final student of note; Wang Yunpeng (AKA; Wang Rupeng), born: 1875- died: 1959. Wang Yunpeng is not acknowledged as a legitimate descendant of Kuaishou Li by a majority of contemporary Qixing historians in the Yantai region, yet his martial descendants exist in Qingdao to this day (Wang arrived in Qingdao in 1946), practicing an antique variety of Mantis Boxing close to the roots of the system. Li Zhizhan continued his escort work, ending his illustrious career in Tianjin, Hebei Province.8 K# a0 y! e7 V' l; Y

. x0 D. j/ b. i  v; T3 \+ S& M+ ]    The majority of the existing curriculum of Qixing Tanglang Quan was developed by Wang Yongchun. Boxing sets such as Cha Chui Quan, Hei Hu Jiao Cha Quan (Hei Hu Quan), and Shuang Cha Hua arise from this period and are largely absent from the Quan pu (boxing scrolls), of the other Tanglang sects such as Meihua/Taijimeihua Tanglang. Wang Yongchun is regarded as the most likely source of the Shaolin influence that becomes so strong in the Qixing Tanglang tradition, especially evident in the next generation of disciples.6 A- F4 p7 i3 o5 O) n, }1 N

  r" U# q8 j$ Q& I    Wang taught three major disciples; Wang Yunfu, Wang Jie and most famous of all, Fan Xudong. Fan Xudong was a Yantai resident (born in Dahai) and went on to gain fame as the first Tanglang Wang (king of Mantis Boxing). A giant, weighing in at around 130kg, he is one of the most influential figures in the Qixing tradition. In his lifetime he gained international notoriety for his feats including defeating all comers in a Russian free fighting competition and remaining unbeaten in every one of his numerous challenges back home in China. It is often related that he killed two bulls bare-handed in an open field and paid compensation to the farmer for the inconvenience. Fan Xudong appears to have consolidated the closely linked Shaolin and Tanglang traditions and is named as the source of boxing documents such as the Shaolin Authentic, which is a key work in the body of literature passed on through Qixing Tanglang descendants of the Jing Wu Hui (Jing Wu Athletic Association) .
3 x: b7 J4 H; X- I: j  D6 D" ~) u9 A
    Fan Xudong's four major disciples were Gou Jialu, Yang Weixin, Lin Jingshan and Lou Guangyu. Yang Weixin was the most senior disciple, having spent the most time with Fan Xudong, who went on to run Fan's boxing school (on his behalf) in Yantai. Penglai born, Yang Weixin was a fierce man with a short temper who had a bad reputation for being heavy handed. He crippled many opponents (even severely injured some of his own students) and was eventually prosecuted in 1910 for the killings of two rival boxers from the Meihua Tanglang sect. Fan Xudong was invited to coach in the Shanghai Jingwu Athletic Association but declined as he was a busy silk merchant with many interests in Yantai, opting to send his disciples in his place. Fan's younger disciple Lin Jingshan was handed control of the school in Yang's absence (though he was released after only one year due to Fan Xudong's financial power). Lin remained in Yantai as the head coach, whilst in 1918 Lou Guangyu, and Yang Weixin travelled to the Jingwu Hui to represent Qixing Tanglang, they were later joined by Wang Chuanyi (student of Lin Jingshan, who also studied with Fan).
- l$ r: t1 f# v# n1 F5 z2 Y, E  _6 L6 @+ {6 X) e
    Luo Guangyu was born in 1888 in Penglai and went on to become perhaps Tanglang Quan's most famous figure. He began his martial career quite late, at the age of 18 and studied with Fan Xudong until the age of 25, nevertheless excelling in free fighting and developing devastating iron palm skill. Under Fan's patronage Luo Guangyu flourished in Shanghai and became famous for his fighting ability. Yang Weixin on the other hand, fared poorly in his efforts as an ambassador for Shandong Tanglang. He detested the Shanghai climate, food and people, who seemed equally opposed to his short temper and brutal manner. Yang Weixin returned to Yantai and went on to teach three major disciples, Liu Yunchang, Dong Shixun and Da tudi (head disciple); Xiao Shubin. Yang goes down in history as one of Fan Xudong's toughest descendants with violent sanda (free-fighting), as his forte.
: d" X% ^  t. H( L5 l) i: B" N  T; d5 O" }. d/ R! z  {
    Luo's success grew with his Jiangsu student Ma Chengxin winning the grand championship of Leitai (platform fighting) at the national Chinese Boxing competition in 1929. Luo moved to Hong Kong in 1932 and helped to establish the Jing Wu Hui as the strongest martial association to arise from the south. Luo's most famous students, (all of which went on to spread his particular branch of Qixing throughout the world), were Huang Hanxun, Zhao Zhimin, Huang Jinhong and the previously named Ma Chengxin, amongst others. Luo Guanyu is the father of the Jing Wu Qixing Tanglang Quan, which in fact differs significantly in many aspects from the Tanglang taught after Fan Xudong in Yantai. According to the works of his descendants (including Huang Hanxun), his was a composite mantis style containing elements of Meihua and Guangban Tanglang Quan plus Luo's own innovations and personal flavour. Even today one can find almost exact replication of photographic representation of Luo's Pu Chan (Catching the Cicada), posture in those of his descendants. Photos taken of Luo performing Beng Bu in his late forties show examples of the upright body and high framed stances that are still favoured by the Hong Kong and South-East Asian branches of Qixing Tanglang. Debate continues to this day about the supposed frame of Luo Gaungyu's stances, based largely on the Beng Bu photo series. Interestingly enough, the same series clearly illustrates various postures held at the low frame.+ B$ D: k6 i9 Z& h' Y4 k3 f

( S; ]) C/ N+ C+ K2 b: o+ K0 n    As Tanglang travelled south and was mastered by the local populace, the style gained a somewhat more 'Southern' flavour in delivery and appearance, with an explosive staccato rhythm, slightly more rigid body method (particularly dorso-ventrally), accompanying compact frame and footwork, in comparison with contemporary ShandongTanglang. Due to external influences including; cross-pollination with systems such as Yingzhao Quan (Eagle Claw Boxing), greater numbers of students, smaller training halls (particularly in Hong Kong) and a necessity for rapid transmission along with possible physiological factors such as the slighter builds of the Guangdong people- eventually became a unique, highly developed entity by the late 20th Century. Luo Guanyu's boxing catalogue was also greatly enriched and enlarged, with many empty hand and weapons sets added, including some that are generic to the Jingwu Hui, such as Shi Lu Tantui and Gong Li Quan.% R. A, F9 {- Q! K/ D
0 i" I7 B; {' w2 F
    After an impressive career and a contribution to the Tanglang Men virtually unmatched, Luo returned to Shanghai and died at the age of 56. His blood descendants are still alive in Penglai, Shandong, but unfortunately did not continue their father's legacy.
% i+ c" R# i3 L: G. b- U8 P' ]
/ W- j% f8 E: w: @    Perhaps Fan Xudong's most important student was the great Lin Jingshan. Lin was born in 1885 in Laiyang, Shandong, moving to nearby Yantai City as a small child where he lived until his death at the age of 86. Lin Jingshan barely scraped a living in the markets and streets of Yantai labouring as a cook's helper and street hawker. Working as a shop assistant Lin Jingshan yearned to study boxing and secretly watched and imitated Fan Xudong and his students until Fan discovered him practicing and apprehended him. Surprised by his natural ability and keenness to learn, Fan Xudong took Lin under his wing where he faithfully remained till his death. Lin Jingshan became the most highly developed disciple and Fan Xudong officially passed his school into Lin's capable hands. It is said by some descendants that Lin Jingshan taught for a short period in Tianjin as the Chief instructor to the military, but this is not agreed amongst his most senior disciples in Yantai. Lin spent the rest of his life teaching in Yantai where he produced many famous disciples. He was also survived by three sons Lin Chunsheng, Chunfa and Shangwei.
) |+ I1 W8 w: {/ P7 A! L, k  x; u) M( h0 V1 v( f: c% w
    Lin's best known disciples include; Hu Yongfu, Xiao Huating, Wang Chuanyi, Wang Chunshan, Wang Qinggang, Yu Zhenhai, Yu Tiancheng, Yu Tianlu, Yu Renzhu, Yu Tiantang (Yu Hai), and Zhong Lianbao. Hu Yongfu of Laiyang was Lin's greatest student of the earlier years; he went on to teach martial arts in the Sijie Wuguan in Dalian, Liaoning Province. Xiao Shubin, the Da tudi of Yang Weixin was also one of the most famous coaches in the Dalian Academy where another of Lin's tudi, Wang Chuanyi taught in 1952. Wang's students Ma Guangyou and Ji Xueyuan also gained fame along with Hu Yongfu's disciples, Hu Dongming and Li Shishuai. It was in Dalian where Hu Yongfu and Xiao Shubin taught their most famous disciple who went on to popularize Qixing Tanglang in the Qingdao region where he transmitted the system to, Qiu Fangjian, Qin Guihua, and amongst others.* Z$ o& v. M1 Z4 V
' |9 B3 H7 P5 R# d, `; \
    In the modern era Yu Tiancheng went on to become Lin Jingshan's major disciple. Born in 1937 in Yantai, Yu was well versed in Ditang and Chang Quan before he commenced his study with Lin at age 14. He continued to transmit the authentic Qixing Tanglang Quan until his passing in 2004 and produced many notable students such as Lu Tingbo, Wang Baolin, Gong Yunfei, Shi Guoyu, Ba Kun, Yu Yongsheng and Slawomir Milczarek of the Polish Praying Mantis Kung Fu Society, his only foreign tudi. Yu Tiancheng's brother Yu Tianlu continues to teach in Yantai today, running the Qixing Tanglang Wuguan. Zhong Lianbao is another outstanding disciple of Lin Jingshan and is responsible for spreading Lin's Tanglang Quan throughout the world, with strongholds in Italy, Spain and South East Asia, where he is represented by Arnold Buenviaje of the Qixing Tanglang Quan Association Philippines.9 x/ K# ]% v, \7 I" m
; @, U* X  N  u1 u1 L$ P( ?6 {9 G
    (原文出处:http://www.mantisboxing.com/History%20of%20Qixing%20Tanglang%20Quan.xml)/ }1 [7 @' N) O- g; j& G
发表于 2013-4-7 22:04:05 | 显示全部楼层
于宝祥 发表于 2013-4-7 18:42 9 l( p) q: u3 s7 x' N' M; I
- m  h9 Z+ |, }* A  |
, v" n/ y, {4 t6 [6 Z4 E" T4 m/ W    As discussed in the brief introduction to Mantis Boxing, the  ...

% I1 ~9 T0 i$ S3 a. C3 b原来他叫于海,于家人才辈出啊{:soso_e179:}
 楼主| 发表于 2013-4-8 14:07:18 | 显示全部楼层
于景红 发表于 2013-4-7 22:04
( d* }$ Y) q( r原来他叫于海,于家人才辈出啊

) f+ I% M0 s; [2 K原来他叫于天堂
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